Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Hello Everyone!

Since the ingenious invention of Face Book, I have finally succumbed to, I will refer you to my page to see updates of our family and what life has brought for 2010!  It certainly has been a whirlwind filled with many exciting accomplishments, adjustments, changes, challenges, excursions, hard work, and life lessons learned. Instead I want to share a thought I have been pondering relevant to the holiday season.

I have been wrestling with the fact that God uses us; flawed, fearful, sceptic, limited, humans to carry out his purposes.  The whole thing really blows me away actually.  I think about how with the sound of His voice the storm in the sea is stilled; it takes us grueling weeks to contain an oil spill in a small part of the ocean.  How by the touch of his hand sick are healed; it takes us scheduling appointments, creating medicine to put people in a sleep state, and then cutting into them with a knife.  His presence alone causes the sinful woman at the well to have her heart melted to him which causes her to go tell all of the people who had mocked her and labeled her as an inbred; of his love. It takes us praying, building relationships, and lots of time for most souls to soften to a faith in Jesus.  With the sound of his voice the dead rise, we can't even touch that.  So why does God ask us to participate in his Kingdom agenda?  Why does he cast us with roles in his story?  My mind is small but understands more and more that His ways are not my ways. Even still, I had this thought that touched a bit on what it might possibly be like for God to have us to participate with Him in reaching lost and hurting people.

Maybe it's a little bit like baking cookies with my boys when they were little.  There were many holiday sessions around the dining room table of creating and decorating delectable holiday delights with my little aspiring future "Cake Bosses.'" Before I ever entered into these not-even-close-to-Martha Stewart moments, I would literally have to mentally prepare for the whole process.  I would reason with myself,  " I could get this done a lot faster without them, the cookies would have a lot neater decor, the mess would be a fraction of what it would be, I would not have to play the cookie dough police, there would be no fighting on who got to stir first, and they would still have cookies to eat, it would get done.  Somehow my heart would win over all the rational reasoning . I told myself its going to be messy, their will be sprinkles everywhere, attention spans will run out, the cookies will have sloppy angel wings, crooked Santa faces, and the Christmas trees will not be ever-green they will most likely be ever-black; its OK.   "JUST DO IT MOM!"  I'd get my game face on, play the invigorating Christmas tunes to pump me up; it's GO time!

Sprinkles flew! Frosting wars were had!  Finger licking occurred (sorry to those of you who received our cookies)! The boys bounced in and out of their seats as the dog sniffed his way to the kitchen counter where the cookies cooled to sneak a few of the warm morsels. Yes it took a lot more effort when those little assistant chef's in training invaded the kitchen and a power of the wills began as to who would get to stir first and who would get to lick the beater. As a mom I would lace the whole process with little sentence prayers for God to help me and give me patience NOW!  For Him to please turn down the "Mom's about to blow" temperature when it seemed like a big experience of maddening chaos erupting within the confines of my dining room and kitchen. Why was it so important that they were there?  Why did it matter that we did this together?

Why?  As a mom with now teenage and pre-teen boys that are just a few short steps into adult hood I hold those memories dear!  Now treasures tucked away in my mind, are those chubby little undeveloped fine motor skilled hands intensely spreading frosting and shaking sprinkles.  Looking in on the moment I see brown eyes sparkling on little boy faces while standing on a dining room chair holding up a dripping masterpiece covered in frosting with a finishing touch of sprinkle overdose; adorned with a smiling face looking for affirmation saying, "Mama how'd I do?" which would be my cue for crazy cheering and clapping with hugs and kisses followed by kind words over the Picasso cookies.  One of my son's even recently said,  "Remember when we made all those cookies on our long dining room table? That was fun wasn't it mom?  At the time it seemed like work more than fun. I usually ended with a backache, cookie dough embedded into my clothing, and a date with the vacuum! But looking back there was so much more going on.  There were lessons being learned in reading as we read the directions, science as the ingredients were mixed together making a new creation,  math in measuring out the list of ingredients, and art as we mixed colors and planned patterns on the sweet shapes.  Skills of sharing with your neighbor as the frosting was passed from one boy to the other, encouraging as I did my crazy cheer leading thing, and loving your brother even when he got to stir first.  But more than those teachable aspects; it was the experience of just being with my boys and sharing life with them because I just plain have crazy love for them. They mattered to me and because they matter I wanted them there. I wouldn't trade those times for anything!

I have to wonder if God using us is kind of like the cookie baking experiences I have had with my boys.  Sure he could get it done a lot faster without us .  The outcomes would be beautifully perfect and unflawed.  There would be no quarreling among brothers.  It would not get messy.  He would not have to police our pride and and humanness dipping into to take a bite of the credit that is His alone.  There would be no creature (Satan) sneaking around unknown ready to steal the outcomes.  But God loves us, I believe that. God has crazy love for us that doesn't even touch on the crazy love I have for my boys.  And because God loves us we matter to Him.  And because we matter to Him-He wants us there sharing in the things that he is doing with and for His creation.  Sometimes I like to imagine God in Heaven doing a happy dance with all the angels and saints, kind of like my crazy cheer leading thing when a soul connects with the message of the gospel and goes from death to life or when a believer of Jesus goes to a deeper level of intimacy and "getting it."  And sometimes I dream about how I, just like my little boys who stood looking to me for an affirming word of accomplishment, will stand blue eyes sparkling on a gold paved street with my life mosaic piece infused with ingredients of sin, humanness and fallen flesh, but covered and dripping with heaping amounts of grace frosting and an overdose of mercy sprinkles and I say, "Daddy, how'd I do?"  And he replies "Well Done."

This Christmas it is my prayer that we can all understand this crazy love God has for us just a little more.  No, God doesn't need us but He wants us and He is waiting for us to join up with Him. First by a decision of faith to trust that he came as a baby in a manger, lived as a human without sin, and died on a cross as a Savior.  Then to become Holy-Spirit filled, sold out, followers of Christ- knowing that he wants our human efforts, as messy as they may be, to further his kingdom. Merry Christmas to everyone!
The Ever-Flawed-Grace-Dipped Fopma-Foose Bunch
Aaron, Joy, Logan, Collin, Nick, Brittany, and Trey

Monday, November 22, 2010

Forget the Beef..."Where's the Turkeys?"

A phone call last week revealed that the local grocer kindly offering to bake off the turkeys for our annual community Thanksgiving meal, was desperately short on the turkeys needed.  We spoke on the phone of the details and he informed me that his staff would begin the thawing process that afternoon but only had 8 turkeys to unthaw.  We needed at least double that and preferably 20 turkeys. PANIC crept in and my close friend worry helped me engage in my easy come freak out mode.  I prayed, and worried, and prayed, and worried some more.  I went through my morning routine at home anxious and stressed about the matter.  I finally hopped into my car and began to head into work.  On the drive into town I said, "Ok God, I'm just going to be quiet and let you talk I have nothing here."  There was no audible out loud voice  that gave me specific instructions on how to acquire the amount of turkeys needed but there was the stillness in my car and a quickening of my spirit connecting to the Holy Spirit of Christ. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, living in me, a follower of Jesus that spoke quietly to my soul- " If you could know in your depths of my love you would know that I alone am your provider."  I prayed in my spirit "I believe, help my unbelief."
Soon I arrived at Whoop-Ti-Doos (my work place and location of the community Thanksgiving meal).  I walked up to the back door to unlock it and sitting on the back stoop were 2 turkeys.  A smile came to my face and my spirit. I began preparations for the day a little less anxious.  Soon the staff I would be working with that day arrived.  I said good morning and began speaking to her in a frenzy as if the two turkeys precariously sitting on the back stoop earlier that morning had never occurred!  "Darla, I'm freaking out, Hy-Vee is starting to thaw out our turkeys this afternoon and we are short on turkeys, we really need to pray about this!"  No longer did that statement get out of my mouth than the ding of the back door bell sounded and in walked a lady from the community.  She randomly asked, "Are you still in need of turkeys for your Thanksgiving meal?"  I looked at Darla and laughed out loud!  "Yes!", I stated! "You are actually an answer to prayer we are short on turkeys!" She led me out to her car and handed me the turkey from her back seat! At that moment I was being humbled in a huge blessing of provision and my faith for the moment went to a high level of belief and awe of the specificness of God answering my "worry-wart prayer."  I went inside and Darla and I offered a prayer of thankfulness for the turkeys and asked God to provide exactly the amount we would need for the upcoming celebration.  We went through the lunch hour rush enjoying the blessing and provision God was pouring out from heaven.  I was so full of belief in those hours I thought it could actually begin to rain turkeys from heaven! Well that did not happen, but later that afternoon Darla answered a phone call and motioned me over to her.  With a smile on her face, she said "There's a guy on the phone wanting to know if you are still needing turkeys!"  He called back later that afternoon saying that he purchased 6 turkeys and took them to Hy-Vee!  By the time I layed my head on my pillow that night we were up to 22 turkeys! As I type this I believe that we have 25+ turkeys unthawing in the coolers at Hy-Vee!  This was not only a testimony of how faithful our living God is and what a mighty provider he is but that my little boxed God does not work.  It is when we turn our hands from white knuckled to our own control and in faith lay them out and turn them upward is when God can be the awesome and mighty one that he so wants to be, in us and through us! Matthew 6:31-33 "So do not worry saying what, "What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear?"  The pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

May this story of how specific and faithful God is encourage your heart and lead you into belief and a attitude of thankfulness - no matter your circumstances, heart condition, or situation-God is waiting for your heart to turn soft to him as you surrender with hands open and upward to his provision in your life.  Believe that he  can meet your needs better that you ever could on your own! He met your greatest need by sending his son Jesus (John 3:16) to die for all of our control freak, worry wart, actions of unbelief (just to name a few) sins and provided a way to salvation and eternal life though his perfect life.  Will you believe today?  Look around to find the "turkey sitting on your doorstep" it is there waiting....Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Bucked off a Horse.
Stuck on a mountain with hiding terrorists.
Adultery in the intimate relationship you once held dear.
Laid Off
I’m sorry she’s gone we did all we could.
Hurtful words spoken in rage to the innocent
Planned deaths of the unborn
Motor vehicle accident
Greed for more
More money
More attention
More fame
More praise
Conditional love
Lied to
The liar
Unwilling to become
Proud man using woman
Proud man using children
Proud man using himself
The unwanted
Sex crimes
Hate crimes
Running late
Unwilling to love yourself
Unwilling to become
Speech impediments
Mentally ill
Love lost
Love never found
The one who abandon
The one who broke the vow
Have I named your vice?
Your ashes
What left you broken?
What caused you to break?
The thorn in your flesh that makes you feel like a mistake?
The fall that came within your spirit
The fall that continually comes
That thing that you do that you don’t want to do
Many and ongoing you must know them as they creep in; stifle and cripple your soul
But what we must know
What must be told is that
There is one who spoke these words
“Whoa to anyone who causes one of these little one of mine to sin it; would be better for him to cast a millstone around his neck and be drug into the depths of the sea.” 
Who would speak this?
Who are the little ones?
Who is being drug into the depths of the sea?
The speaker is Jesus
The little one is me
The little one is you
With our vices or ashes so many so few
The one being drug with the millstone around his neck
Well that is me as well
That is you also
Admit it you are the victim
While at the same time you are the player
And so am I
So what to do
We are the little one who was caused to stumble
 And the one who caused the stumble to come to the little one
This horrible terrible real life truth causes fire in my soul
To think that I’ve been used
And just the same used others as well
The fire in my soul burns strong as hell
Burns long
Me deep
The fire burns strong burns long
And then dies
What’s left is a pile of ashes still smoking inside
Then the speaker that said who whoever causes these little ones of mine to fall speaks another phrase that gives hope to the soul
He says
I give crowns of beauty for ashes
Gladness for mourning
Praise for despair
He speaks to the little one
And the one in the sea
He says take my yoke my burden is easy
This trouble this trial
This sin that you’ve caused
Was never my plan
My will
For you
But I make a plan through it all
For my perfect way to shine through
So when the sin happens
When the trial comes
Know it is not from me or above
But I am there in, around, under, and through
All that is happening and my plan is true
To give back the beauty that left ashes burning
To wipe your tears of mourning and bring back your joy
I will tell you the truth of your worth and sing your praise
Where once all you could see was despair and the rain
Where I stand I see all the little ones left crying in the sand
And the one with the rope drug by their own plan
Into the depths of the sea left floating to die
I see it all
I see all
From beginning to end and that is how I can
Be the healer, restorer and one who makes new
All that is abandon
Broken and
I come to give life
I have a new plan
I Am
My sacrifice
My pain on the cross
Where the sin and hurt all hung
No I did not cause the disaster of the fallen
But I gave you choice and a complete freedom
To do life your way and that left so many tangled webs
 That the only way for you to be complete again
Was for my son to hang
On a cross
Without sin
And for my spirit to the earth be sent
To untangle the sin webs of fallen man
And allow the will of a loving Creator
To be the beauty in the ashes of the little one who stumbled
And the one in the sea completely humbled
So little one wipe the tears from your eyes and stand up
Drowning man I pull you out of the depths to dry off
And there you all stand my creation who chooses to come
Bow at the cross for all that is wrong
The ground is level there
No better no worse
Just complete forgiveness for all and rebirth
And there we will dance on the ground at the foot of the cross
We will dance free in forgiveness
Close your eyes and let freedom ring
The clouds pass over and the terrible misery
Is gone in a moment
He lifts you up high
And you discover yourself on a mountaintop
Sun shining in the sky
And you dance and rejoice as you bask in the Son
Look at the glowing faces of all who have chosen to come
The noose was loosened and removed from our necks
We are no longer the little one stumbling
Our feet are planted firmly on The Rock
We are sealed with a promise
Cannot be snatched from his hand
Know that your name is written in the palm of his hand
But not only there in the Book of Life too
Eternity is waiting
All the promises will come true
Of the things that you just welcomed in your heart from afar
They are not distant
They are becoming
Behold here they are
The treasures stored up
In the place where you kept your heart
What will you receive on that day?
And praise
The coming day when all you have done
Is judged
Or will it be rewarded
In the eyes of the Son
The choice is yours my friend
Jesus sets you free
But you still must live and prepare for eternity
The things of this world are fleeting so fast
They will continually tempt you
Test you
And taunt your mind
They will promise falsely and want you to believe they are fine
They will bring
For a season
But eventually
Silently so slyly tie the noose back on
And lay pebbles in front of your path
The pebbles may be charming
Dainty at first
Pleasant for the eye to gaze
All at once in front of you they will become
Mountains to climb
Do not be fooled little one look into His eyes
The noose may feel at first life a chain of jewels on your neck
Complimented and prized by so many
But ever so slowly so gradually it will tighten
As the vice in you once more
Tries to enlighten
And hold you away from the Savior who came
But the truth is in you
You must pull away
Do not look at others who are climbing over rocks of their own
Do not compare the noose of your neighbor to your s
Look inside
Look deeply
Search your heart
And kneel down
Surrender to your Savior
Hourly if you must
He will not turn away from you or look on you with disgust
Tell him right now
How it is
Like it is
He longs for you to come back to the mountain top dance
Come Child
Before the evil one takes an advance
Give back what the Locust ate
He is here waiting
Do not delay

The thief comes to steal
Leave you
I have come to give you life and to give it to your abundantly

Friday, October 15, 2010

What IF...

What If

What if there is an ultimate purpose in life?

What if all this inhaling and exhaling day after day, month after month, year after weary year…

What if all this working, building, growing, and aging which ultimately leads to death…

Could actually lead to life?

Everlasting Life?

What if you believed in things you cannot see?

What if there is a choice of forgiveness?

The choice to be forgiven and to forgive?

What if there is that choice?

What if there is someone who created you?

What if he did send his one and only son into the world in ransom for your life?

What if the blood that he shed on the cross covers your sin?  My sin?

What if there is a personal invitation to you from him to have an intimate relationship?

What if the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus?

Would you take the gift?

I mean if it was available?

And you say “Why would a loving God who wants to be a personal friend of mine create people knowing all the hurt, tragedy, and pain they would go through?

Why would a loving God allow people to suffer?  Die?

Why would he allow bad things to happen to good people?

Why would I believe in a God like that?

Why would I want to?

How could that possibly benefit me?

Why when he is so powerful and could stop all of my pain and problems, but stands by watching and allows it to continue? 


And I’m thinking so true.

We could all do without the pain.




Way too much pain.

And I say “Why?”

“Why God?”


What if all this pain was not God’s plan.

What if there was a perfect garden?

What if he created man in his image to live and walk with him, in the garden, in the beginning?

And what if since we are created like him and he had the choice to create or not to create us…

Created us with choice?

A choice to walk with him and have perfect, unflawed, and fulfilling relationship with him free and pleasant and perfect in a perfect garden…

And what if he wasn’t forcing man to be there with him in the garden?

What if he was teaching man what was beneficial for his life and the things he needed for life to the fullest?

And what if the decision to follow or turn away was not God’s but man’s?

And what if man in his free choice, free will, began the destruction process on his own?

What if the hurt, pain, grief, sickness, sorrow, tragedy, trauma, destruction of life was something we brought on ourselves?

And what if it completely wasn’t us alone?

What if there was an enemy? 

There always seems to be an enemy.

What if there was a bad guy?

A bully?

A villain?

A darkside?

What if even though we don’t choose to naturally follow our creator with our whole heart we aren’t the evil one?

What if there is an ultimate battle being fought for our lives?

What if there is a good and prosperous plan for our lives?

And what if there is a plan for the destruction of our life?

What if…..

What if there is more than meets the eye?

What if we only see a small portion of the big picture?

What if life is a journey?

And what if you walking down life’s path come to a fork in the road?

What if you do have a choice to make?

A choice of love or hate…

Belief or unbelief…

Faith or human thinking…

Forgiveness or bitterness…

Peace or anger…

Surrender to a higher power or self…

Change or comfort…

Stepping out or staying put…

Victory or defeat…

A choice of blessing or curses…

A choice of a Savior or Satan…

And ultimately a choice of life or death.

And what if even though in our small human mind it doesn’t make sense…

We choose life.

A different life.

An eternal life.

And what if in that choice we found a man named Jesus who took our place?

What if this man named Jesus was like a bridge between the broken relationship between humans and God?

And what if he saw the decision and the nature of man turning on God…

He saw the consequences it caused…


And what if he knew that the enemy would come to those helpless humans, us, and


And what if in seeing all this he chose to come for us?

What if God came to earth as a man with human skin on for us?

What if he came for us in the pain?

What if there is a plan B for our fragmented fallen lives?

What if a Savior called Jesus came for you?

Because the world has caused you trouble…

And you’ve caused yourself trouble…

And there is an enemy battling for your soul and your destruction…

 What if Jesus stepped down from heaven and into earth?

Was born


Lived as a man

Lived and walked the earth as a man

Lived and walked the earth as a man feeling all things humans feel and experiencing all thing humans experience

But with one difference

He was perfect

He overcame sin

He walked, lived, felt, and experienced life

And remained perfect

What if he did this all along knowing he had to die?

What if his death was immanent in order to give humankind a way out of the worldly, human, and satanic way of living?

What if he knew all along and came anyway?

What if he not only came and lived perfectly in a corrupted world but…

What if he died?

What if he was beaten horrifically until he was unrecognizable?

What if the blood loss he endured that day was off the charts medically?

What if he was teasingingly mocked and inhumanly spit on?

What if iron spikes were pounded into his hands on either side?

What if his feet were placed one on top of the other and another iron spike was driven into them as well?

What if someone took the time to shape a crown of thorns together into a circular headpiece and pushed the prickly points into his skull mockingly as a crown?

What if they spit at him, mocked him, took his clothes and auctioned them off as a joke, and then posted a sign over his bleeding and mangled body that read “King of the Jews?”

What if during this entire horrifying and graphic nightmare you were on his mind?

What if the blood that flowed from him that day covers your sin?

What if there is that kind of love?

What if there is that kind of selfless sacrifice?

What if there is a way that we never dreamed could be?

What if what he did that day on the cross was for you?

Was for me?

What if he loved the whole world from beginning to end all people who have ever of will ever live on this planet so much that he gave his son like that for us?

For us all.

And what if as if his perfect life example, pure shed blood, and sacrificial death taking our place was not enough…

What if he defeated the enemy?

What if he stole the keys to death from Hades?

What if he traveled to the pit of hell and made an unexpected visit to the dark side, avenged his people, and demanded the enemy hand the death keys over?

What if he did that?

And what if he didn’t stay dead?

What if he overcame death?

What if he came back to life?

What if there is more?

What if he came back to say it is finished and now I am going away to prepare a place for you, a place like the garden we once shared?

I’m going away to make paradise for you.

Because in the bible it does say that.

There have been prophets, gods, leaders, good people, that people have followed …
Through cultures…
Through generations…
Through history…
They died.

But Jesus was different.

He came back to life.

And gave a continuing promise of eternal life.

And his eventual return to earth one day.

But what if after all that he still didn’t force himself on us?

What if we still had a choice?

A choice to choose Jesus or not?

What if his plan for you is to be saved by his loving grace?

But what if that decision is yours?

What if in one way or another we all while we live and breathe on this planet have a most important choice to make?

Amongst all the inhaling and exhaling, day after day, year after year, while working and slaving, building, growing, and aging we have a choice to make?

What if you were going to die today?

What if the inhaling and exhaling inside your lungs would all come to an end in the next 24 hours?

Would the priority of the choice change?

Would the relevance of the choice become clear?

Would a decision be top priority?

Would your fork in the road lifestyle lead to an obvious choice of path preference?

What if the choice affects everything?

What if the decision changes everything?

What if everything in your life desperately needs to be changed?

What if you are desperate for change?

What if you dare to step in faith and believe there is more?

What if this is the most important decision you will ever make?

What if it were?

What would you choose?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Untitled Revelation

For the past three weeks God has been taking me on a journey...well we've been on a journey for about 36 years, but going a little deeper.  I have been pursuing this battle that I have with food which I have found to be a constant fight throughout my life since I can remember.  From the twelve year old chubby adolescent whose body was changing and forming so rapidly, to a highschooler struggling with anorexia and bulimia, to a married woman ashamed of her imperfections, to a mom who always needed to lose that extra 10 pounds.  Now at thirty six years old I am not asking why do I struggle with a stupid thing like this..But why does it rule over me.  It's no longer all about my looks (although it plays a part) its about if God is who I believe him to be in my life, if Jesus overcame sin and death, and if the Holy Spirit lives in me to help and guide me into Truth, why do I worship, adore, and desire food so much.  This question dug me deep into my heart and soul; into my past.  This question dug me deep into God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  This question dug me deep into the word of God.  Here is what I found.  I found that I had many characteristics of a lukewarm "Christian."  Sure I believe in Jesus, I go to church, I pray, I try to do good most of the time, I read my bible, I have the hope of heaven where my tears will be wiped away and there will be not more hurt sadness, or sickness, I have fellowship with other people who believe, I give as long as it doesn't hurt or cramp my lifestyle...but what I found is that I did not have a repentant heart.  Yes I became a Christ follower and was Saved by praying to ask Jesus Christ to come in and forgive my sins on July 1, 1990 through a conversion experience.  And since that time I have grown, had ups and downs and thirteen years later I believe I began to learn the Holy Spirits role in my life and began to allow the Spirit which had been available to me since my point of conversion but had not tapped into the power of being filled with the Holy Spirit to understand Scripture etc.  The thing I am learning now is that I am still a sinner I am a wretched sinful human.  I am selfish, self protecting, untrusting, I gossip, I lust after food and other things, I hide, I have pride, I judge others, I sometimes go through the motions with God. I have the sin of perfectionism, people pleasing and pretending, I get angry and really stupid reactions come out of my mouth, I am ashamed, I forget God, I look for the praise of men.  I am a sinner.  At my core.  Even my most excellent attempts at "finding myself"  is disgusting.  Even my kindest efforts of love and giving without God is a filthy rag which in the bible relates to a used menstrual cloth.  My best efforts are like a used tampon to God.  That is my state.  Yet I believe in Jesus and he has saved me.  So now what will I do with this dilemma?  I want to be like Jesus but I can't. I am human, flawed and sinful.  I want to live out the scriptures and deny myself take up my cross and follow him but I am weak and my cross is so heavy, I want to forget my Father's house and my Mother's house and run into whatever Jesus has but my humanness attaches me to comfortable tangible relations over Christ, I want to Go and make disciples of all nations but I have a job, and a to do list and a routine, an alarm clock, I want to sell everything I have and give it to the poor but that doesn't make sense because then I will be the poor and who will give to me?  This has been a very conflicting and at points almost defeating time for me.  I am truly seeing who I am as a sinful human and at the same time seeing who God is as the Holiest of Hollies and Jesus as True Perfection who I am supposed to be like but continually miss the mark.  

Last week an interesting situation came up as I am thinking about my wretchedness, my greed, my obsession with food, and my lack of giving to the poor, the hungry, the least of these...A little boy comes into my restaurant and we begin having conversation.  I can tell as we are visiting that he is a mischievous guy and full of great imagination so I take a lot of his words with a grain of salt.  Somehow our conversation leads to him saying I am having Doritos for dinner tonight!  I say what else are you having with your Doritos?  He  says nothing we never eat dinner.  What? I say are you telling me the truth? He says yes .  My boys are intently watching me and are in unbelief that someone would not have food at their house.  I don't know if this little boy was telling the truth or not but at that point I had an opportunity to help, to I gave and sent him out the door with a sackful of food.  My boys began to ask me questions about the situation.  I finally said whether he was telling the truth or not does not matter but I do not want to go to bed tonight knowing there could be a hungry boy out there that I could have helped.  And as those words came out of my mouth and began to process through my mind I felt true disgust at myself.  I wasn't giving that boy food to be Jesus and share the love of God I was giving that boy food so I could sleep tonight! Yuck, just typing those words makes it more real and I have just about had it up to here with me!  But then that true and Perfect Love, my Jesus, who is such a gentleman steps in as I am about to beat myself up for the countless numbered time.  And it is revealed, my motives.  My motives are wrong and I am incapable of doing any good,even on a minuscule level.  The missing link is the repenting my sin and allowing the Holy Spirit to give me a desire for Jesus.  I cannot love without God, I cannot love God without God!  WOW!  Maybe to someone who is reading this it's like duh how come it took you this long?  But, I for the first time, began to truly get it. Even though I have been a saved Christian for 20 years cannot do one good thing with out my Savior Jesus Christ spilling his love into me.  How is this done?  By loving Jesus.  Like being crazy in love with what he did on the Cross and the awesomeness of who he is. I really have no adequate words for the power of touching on getting this.  It changes everything.  All my continual attempts to be changing into being like Jesus that have always failed are now quite understandable.  How can I be like Jesus without Jesus.  In the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan (an incredible MUST READ!!!!!!) he drives the reader to this very thing.  He asks as a "Christian"  are we ok with the "gifts" of hope, peace, joy, and the promise of heaven and living our "Christian " lifestyle where we are ok compared to the rest of the secular world? Are those "gifts that we "get" with being saved enough, or do we have a unending deep desire to continually press into and fall into deep love with Jesus for who he is.  He poses the question would we be ok to know that we will go to heaven and have all of our tears wiped away, complete and sheer joy, happiness, pleasure, be made perfect, while being with all those we love who are also perfect, no more night, sickness, grief, no more problems but without Jesus?  Or are we anticipating and craving heaven so much because we will be with Jesus?  Think about it! Where is your heart?  Is it on food (whatever your weakness, stronghold, adiction may be), your to do list, the next thing, worshipping your children, money, or is it just on Jesus.  I know as a lover of Jesus I need to swim deep into the power of the Holy Spirit and allow His Living Water to fill me with Love, His love that is perfect, that doesn't adore food like I do, that doesn't compare me to everyone else, that does unconditionally love everyone from my favorite people to the unlovable, that does love me and views me as the perfected bride of Christ and as this love is poured in the serving is natural, the giving comes, my Food Idle shrinks, and it spills. Naturally I deny myself ,take up my cross and follow, this act of allowing the spirit to fill- allowing a deep love for Jesus to grow in me allows me to follow him without hesitation of turning back.  There must be a continual filling I must spend time with my soul lover Jesus in order to be able to love others give, and see the least of these as important and worth pursuing, I must remember that apart from Him I Can do Nothing and with Him all things are possible.  When we spend time still before our God and spilling our hearts deepest cry to him we find that His love is soooo Good!!!  We want more, not more food but more love, the love that keeps giving as we see his creative show each night while the sunsets behind the harvested fields, the complete miracle of our child's voice, the sheer beauty of his love as our soul connects with another soul that loves him and we say Yes he is so good, the sweet love that we can savor when a heart turns from death to life in confessing Christ as Savior for the first time, we find that the life we tried to make for ourselves was not life at all and the life that he gives is more that we could ever imagine.  We learn to trust his love and know that the enemy came to seek, and kill, and destroy, but Jesus came -in love- to give us life to the fullest.  We learn to give without questioning and with great Joy because He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and if I who am in my humanness evil know whow to give good gifts to my children how much more will my Father in Heaven give to me.  We learn to savor, trust, commune, yearn, and ache for his love. His love only produces more love. Its never ending - the greatest thing is love and love is God and to love God I need God so that he, through me can create a love relationship which will allow me to love others....LOVE< LOVE< LOVE< LOVE< LOVE=It's all about Love!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Scripture for Prologue and response to Chapter 1 of Women, Food & God-enter Jesus Christ

pg 1 "They want to be left alone with their food, period." Phil 3: 18-21 For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach and their glory is in their shame.  Their mind is on earthly things.  (Enter hope/Jesus) But our citizenship is in heaven and eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. 

I see choices in these verses. There are two ways to live as friend of Jesus or as an enemy of the Cross.  And if we choose to live one way we will get a certain out come and the other way another.  So if I leave what is comfortable, tangible, predictable, numbing to enter into a friendship with Jesus which is my choice, I can have hope.  First and foremost in a friendship with the living God that just totally blows me away to even think about that-he wants to be friends- he doesn't need my friendship but he is inviting me into a hope and a relationship and I matter even though he is holding galaxcies and dividing and multiplying cells into all human beings and breathing the breath of life inside of all human kind and causing new life and right now changing through a very scientific process (humanly speaking) the color of leaves on trees before my eyes, and drawing all men unto himself and grieving the sins of man, he still in all of that wants to be friends. And it goes past friendship he wants to give me a citizenship in heaven-a hope to live an eternal life that my brain cannot even comprehend.  I love surprises, I love to give gifts, can you imagine the anticipations Jesus must feel -even though he doesn't need it and is complete without it- to know that we will be able to be face to face and stand in awe of Him on the throne and view his eternal kingdom, as my mind and thoughts are taking me into this hope and these promises, food is shrinking right now, I mean I look forward to a vacation I plan for it get things in order and the day we take off is like light of these statements my heart is doing a yahoo as I realize there is an actual date where breath will be taken out of my physical body and I will take up my residence in heaven...until then I eagerly anticipate and await my Savior from here...but the verse doesn't end there He keeps going with yet another promise that by his power he will bring everything under his I could take this with human reasoning and say God wants to control me and make me the way he wants me, or I could look deeper with eternal eyes and a hope of heaven and seeing Jesus perspective and say His love is that strong.  Strong enough to not leave me as I am broken and not fully healed, He will make me perfect, He will perfect me into his likeness not because of his controlling  ways but because of his fierce love, a love that is stronger than death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave, burning like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame (Song Of Solomon 8:6).  His love is unwilling to leave me-that brings a secure feeling as I view myself in the light of a incomprehendable God- and still he gives yet another gift in these verses.  After friendship and citizenship in heaven and getting things that are so out of control under control for us he says this, He will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body will be perfect.  Gravity, time, the enviroment, will no longer have an effect -I will be at the perfect size and form I was created and as I anticipate these promises and truths I can know that I don't have to wait -total perfection and fullness cannot be on this side of heaven but I am pressing on and into these hopes and truths that Jesus puts in the word for us as we journey ever closer towards him.  Today I can replace worry with the hope of heaven and view life through that light, I can face loneliness and shattered relationships knowing I have friendship with Jesus and I am not and enemy of the cross.  I can joyfully anticipate heaven or the return of Jesus whatever may come first and plan and live in that truth promise and I can allow him to bring all of my out of control under his control - he is the transformer of my lowly body today, as I obey, to be like his glorious body. AHHHHHHHH!!!!

pg 2. She asked that silence be observed to disstract attention from hunger of lack of it...Psalm 4:3-
Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himslef; the Lord will hear when I call to him.  In your anger do not sin; search your hearts and be silent, offer right sacrifieces and trust in the Lord. Be still and know that I am God.

pg.2 God is not just in the details, he is in the muffins, the fried sweet potatoes and the tomato vegetable soup.  God-however we define him or her - is on our plates.  (insert screeching tires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Whoa-wait a minute- I see what is behind this statement but if we are actually searching for God we need to know that we are not searching for random beings or things and that we all may come up with a different answer.  The worldy phrase says there are many ways to God.  The bible says there is only one-Jesus Acts 4:12 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his ONE and ONLY Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Knowing that I can delve into my affection for food and go to it's end knowing there is a concrete being Jesus, wh is a savior of Man at the end.  A couple of songs come to mind one is 10th Avenue North's song "Where Healing Begins," ...This is where the healing begins, this is where the healing starts, when you find out where your broken within, the light meets the dark...So if food is the dark (not that food in and of its self is bad its good, its necesary its created by God for our nourishment and enjoyment) and Jesus is the light that meets our dark then we search for him in the reasons why the food on our plate is such a mountain , such a trip on our path, and we find a healing Savior. which will ulitmaely will bring life and freedom.

pg 4 "If you weren't physically hungry, was there another kind of hunger present?" Luke 12:22-34 a searching hunger within namely verses 29-30 Jesus speaking "And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink (how many times do we do this we're invited to a party and we are more set on what fod will be there to eat than on the people we will spend the occassion with, we are more set on what we will feed ourselves that actually particiapating in the sheer joy of the celebration! Yuck! that's ugly and yet so true!)do not worry about it.  For the pagan world runs after such things, and your Father knows that you need them. (rest assured the creator of all things will feed our belly) But seek first his kingdom and these things will be givine to you as well.  So the other present hunger within is a seeking for God himself and when we get to the place where the light meets the dark, we are given the food and all other things we need as well- which if we will press into and spend time in belief of this will build a trust not to have to hoard or worry or concoct our own way in food or any other addiction or strong hold.

Chapter 1-

Interestingly enough as I read through chapter one I can relate to a lot of things  about how she "hooked up" with food.  It takes me back to my little girl days, adolescent days...but my story with many similarities is different...  Here is an insert of the book I have been working on for a few years...called "Thoughts and Confessions of a Daddy's Girl"....(It is my best response to Chapter 1)
Let’s start towards the beginning when life was fresh.  Innocence was still on our doorstep and we spent uninterrupted time daydreaming a princess fairy tale in our minds. 

I can remember waking on a warm summer day.  The sun’s brilliant rays were streaming through my bedroom window and birds melodically chirped right outside.  It was a new day for this girl with not a care in the world.  It might involve hours of running through the sprinkler in the front yard with my little sister and our neighborhood girlfriends, riding our banana seat bikes around the block, jumping on our neighbor’s trampoline, or sitting on the front steps devising our next big neighborhood concert.  There would be plenty of laughter, pretending, and an abundance of ice cream and popsicles. 

On this particular day the social agenda turned out quiet for one reason or another and I found myself quietly wandering through our yard alone.  I pleasantly stared up into the brilliantly blue sky; feeling so small and feeling something so big was up there.  I began to slowly yet gracefully twirl around in circles.  With a smile on my face and a sweet little bouquet of freshly picked dandelions in my hand, I leaned my head toward heaven and my heart began making up little love songs to God. I slowly and lovingly raised my hands up over my head and gave my little flower bouquet as a present to Him.  Singing with everything I had while twirling around, I was suspended in time and wished this moment to last forever.

At the tender age of six, I was the star of my own show, every dream was mine to unfold and my dreams grew more beautiful and poetic with every passing day.  I looked forward to one day being all grown up, living happily ever after with my very own personal prince charming and being a beautiful mommy with beautiful babies.  We would live in a white castle like house with flowers adorning each window and door and life would be one happy day after another. 

I have to believe that as you read these dreams there is a twinkle in your eye and a bit of a smile on your face as you to recall your own childhood dreams.  Although I’m sure the details were quite different from mine the plots have striking similarities.  Our dreams were peaceful places of sheer deep beauty, belonging and significance.  Deep in the middle of our dream there was something so much bigger than our little being and even though we could not define it we knew it was there.  We wrapped ourselves around that security and preciously danced in the beauty of it.

I lived out these dreams on a regular basis through days of dress-up with my playmates.  Putting on my mother or grandmother’s finest articles of clothing as they hung off my formless body, I was the queen of my own unexplored kingdom.  Confidently strutting across the room in the “glass slippers” I had snuck out of the front closet for the occasion.  The day’s agenda began with an obnoxiously exaggerated ruby red by Maybeline, smile, but before I would converse with the other queens in the kingdom that day, I would anxiously step over to the closet and take a long deep look at the beauty awaiting in the mirror.  A giggle might pop out at the first sight and then I’d look a little harder and see the sheer, untouched, pure beauty of this queen staring back at me.  With a look of satisfaction I’d proudly toss my uncombed hair off of my shoulder and join the gathering at the morning tea party. 

I not only dreamed of the woman that I would one day become, but also imitated the host of great women, those pillars of reality, and the heroines in my life.  These women included early elementary teachers’, fundamental in our awakening to the basis of education.  My mom who nurtured and cared for me, wiping away my tears, stroking my soaked little locks while my fever broke, and baking the best chocolate chip cookies on earth. Grandmas, the little ladies in my life who made life fun and sweet, and who made it pretty to have gray hair.  Cheerleaders of the local high school who pranced across the football field every Friday night and even on special occasion came into my classroom and taught a cheer.  The city librarian who smiled warmly at me and gave out stickers to put on the summer reading chart for the entire world to see.  How did she ever get all that hair back so strait and even?  My mother’s friends who seemed to have it all together.  I mostly saw their cheery side as they sat with mom over coffee and let the weight of the world roll off their shoulders.  Actresses on TV who flashed their exotic gowns and jewelry while walking down the red carpet to receive an award.  Singers whose voices enchanted their audiences with delight that led to standing ovations 

I remember countless hours playing school with my sister and the neighborhood girls in our basement.  We would randomly take turns being my third grade teacher Mrs. Reints.  She was the greatest teacher in the world, you see, because she taught me multiplication, division and the magic nine strategy.  She was powerful and important.  We actually became quite good at performing her teaching style even down to the way she shook the chalk in her hand while standing in front of the class presenting her material for the day. 

If we weren’t playing school, we were performing in a concert in the backyard.  Leopard skin jacket, hot pink hair bow, hairbrush microphone in hand. We were Amy Grant.  We impressed ourselves so much that we decided to have a serious talk about going on the road.  Sitting on the swing set together dreaming the day away, all the details were finalized for our big world tour.  The tour actually turned out to be a couple of singing engagements at the community nursing homes and my friends back deck with a sold out crowd of all our kind neighbors.   We were more than happy to sign autographs and shake hands with you after the concert if our schedules allowed.

If you asked me in the second grade what I wanted to be when I grew up I would tell you I wanted to be a cheerleader, along with 42% (estimated statistic) of the rest of the little girls in my class.  The others would say mothers or teachers and a couple would say something unknown to this princess dreamer.  So why a cheerleader?  You see to a seven-year-old cheerleaders are the ultimate form of beauty.  They get all the attention, all eyes are on them, their legs are strong and abs are flat, they are always smiling and their hair is bouncy.  And of course all little girls know, boys can’t play the game without them.   They are in control and can make everyone stand up, sit down, yell or be quiet whenever they want!

Are you remembering with me?  It’s amazing what is tucked away deep inside us.  Who were your heroes?  Remember.  What did they do?  Their appearance and stature.  What made them so appealing in your little eyes?  Remember how big they were and how small you were?  How did you practice your heroes’ ways and moves? Recall how you someday planned on doing exactly what they did. There was no fear to stop you, just a few feet of growing, but you knew that would come.  Allow yourself to be taken by the nostalgia of that little girl’s memory of her heroes.  Let your memory take you back as far as you need to go to find the heroes of your innocent dreams.  Take as long as you need.  They are there saved in the file preceding the rage of the preteen hormones. 

Stolen Princess Dreams

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:13

“Fathers do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the training of the Lord.”  - Ephesians 6:4

Some of you may be thinking right now, “Don’t talk to me about princess dreams, pure childhood joy, innocent pretending because it never happened here.  You’ve never walked in my shoes.  Take a look at this memory, there was never space for any kind of dream, only hidden nightmares lived out on a daily basis.  The torment of the life I lived from day one was dark, filled with ugliness and shame where beauty should have been.  There was no space for a fairytale in this mind.  Evilness overtook every nook and cranny.  There were no heroes to be had, everyone around me was on a “Survival of the fittest” trip, and I was shoved to the wayside.”

To those of you who did not escape your early childhood years with even one little dream, I mourn for you.  I know you are out there.   Your dream was survival.  Your dream was a warm meal and an unbruised body.  Your dream was that the bedroom door would stay closed all night and no one would come to selfishly “tuck you in.”  Your dream was that daddy would come home and mommy would not drink.  Your dream was to look in the mirror and see that your deformity had magically disappeared over night.  The only person you looked up to was the only peer in school who had enough courage to not make fun of your unbathed body and torn clothing. You feel cheated because you never were allowed to have these dreams.  Through the years your heart has become bitter and your soul numb to dreaming.  Over time invisible yet unpenetratable walls were built around your unnurtured, bleeding, princess heart.  Why did this even matter?  Why was the dream so important?  Tears are streaming down my face as I realize how unfair it was for someone to have stolen your time to dream.  Take heart this is message is for you too. Maybe more than you know right now.  It’s never too late to awaken the dream inside.

The Plastic Princess

The rest of you may say, princess, I am the princess.  I was born the princess.  I will always be the princess.  When I ask “mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all,” I am told that I am.  And yet the mirror is my worst enemy, catching me in its deceiving grip every glance it gets.  I have always had whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it and usually before even having to ask.  Every earthly dream that I have had has been fulfilled.  I am the earthy beauty.  I am informed of it countless times by the selfish stares I get from men who use me as their pornographic eye candy.  I am the queen of the status quo in my circle of influence and the pressure is more than I can bear when I lay my head down at night.  The paparazzi of my community follow me into every area of my life finding out how to attain the life of being me, why?  I am powerful, in control, wealthy, educated, adored, and even still empty.  You were brought up in a perverted form of an earthly princess dream and it, even at its best, left you yearning for something more. 
The Prince who created the Princess Dream

Yes I did have sweet little girl dreams and fairytale fantasies.  I believe that many of us did.  But life was not just one rosy day after another.  The point I am getting at is I believe we were designed this way.  Why did we think this way in our early years?  Why are those whose dreams were never given a chance to form bitter and saddened?  Why is an earthly princess not enough?  Why? Because, those pure little girl princess dreams were part of His plan. 

Inside the heart of every woman, weather well-rounded and unconditionally loved her whole life, or torn down and beaten by life’s journey thus far, God designed a place in our inmost being that he wanted us to cry out.  “Am I beautiful?”  “Am I loved?”  “Does somebody see me?”  “Am I worth pursuing?”  “Do I matter?”  “Am I worth fighting for?”   In the book Captivating, by Stasi Elderedge, she refers to this as “your hearts deepest question.”

Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  God created our inmost being, the place that longs to be a princess, to be beautiful, to be loved.  Our inmost being.  Where and what is it?  Our center, our core, the heart and soul of all we are.  How do we define our inmost being?  I believe it is the place deep within us that that when laid open and bare yearns to find God.  It is the deep core inside us that yearns for more.  It may be filled with earthly things; food, money, power, sex, alcohol, drugs, position, praise, and accomplishment, for a time but is always yearning and wanting more.  I believe our inmost being is the place where God longs to indwell in us.

Note these Psalms.  They were written by David and thought to be a poem to King Solomon on the occasion of his wedding.  It is also seen as a prophecy and beautiful description of Christ and his bride (those who choose to believe in Him).  Let it be a poetic description of our King affirming our dream of being a princess.

Psalm 45:9-11 (NIV)
Daughters of kings are among your honored women;
At Your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir.
Listen O daughter,
Consider and give ear;
Forget your people and your father’s house.
The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor him for he is your Lord.

Psalm 45:13 (NIV)
All beautiful is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold.
In embroidered garments she is led to the king;
Her virgin companions follow her
And are brought to You.
They are led in with joy and gladness;
They enter the palace of the King.

He designed us to be His beautiful bride.  Why do we seek out beauty at such an early age? (verse 13 line 1) Because there is a big Someone out there, up there, who is enthralled with our beauty and He wants us to know that.  Why do we dress up and prance around in high heeled shoes that make it hard to walk?  Because Jesus longs to clothe us with gold, embroidered garments as his bride.  Why do we have the need for security?  (verse 13 line 2 & 4) Jesus wants to brings us closely and safely to himself.  Why as little girls do we purely and freely shriek, giggle, dance, and twirl?  (verse 13 line 5) He longs to give us joy and gladness as we enter into His presence.  Why do we dream of beautiful castles in far away lands? (verse 13 line 6) Because our King is preparing that place for us.  So let us capture the reality of a princess dream, hold it deep in our hearts, experience the joy and freedom it brings, and begin to find the keys to live it out in our lives.
When Life Creeps in and Steals the Dream

Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Isaiah 59:2 & 3,9 & 10
“But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear.
For your hands are stained with blood,
Your fingers with guilt.
Your lips have spoken lies,
And your tongue mutters wicked things.
So justice is far from us,
And righteousness does not reach us.
We look for light, but all is darkness;
For brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.
Like the blind we grope along the wall,
Feeling our way like men without eyes.

Somewhere along our life’s journey the innocence disappears.  Whether in an instant or bit by bit one day we wake up and life is seen in a completely different perspective.  When we arrive at this point one of three things happens.  We may revert back to our innocent dreaming phase and choose to live life unrealistically through rose colored glasses, taking on the “Pollyanna” complex. We can also choose to stay stuck at this point for the remainder of life, filled with negativity and a belief that there is nothing more than the mundane, ugly, and unfullfilling life we lead.  Or we can choose to search deep into our being to find if there is something more.

I can remember the days very clearly when my own little perfect bubble life began to disintegrate.  Many hard life circumstances began to unfold.  Death, when my great grandmothers died.  Development, when my body began rapidly changing and forming lying awake at night for months praying to have the courage to tell my mother I had ”lumps” in my breasts and I was dying of breast cancer.  (I can laugh about this now).  Deceit, finding out my perfect family was not perfect in many ways and hearing I had siblings I had never met.  Disease, when my baby brother was born prematurely with an infection that traveled throughout his blood stream and only by the grace of God did not kill him, Defeat in jeers, teasing and taunting from peers that began crushing my spirit about my chubby adolescent form.  Dabbling, giving into the temptations of peers and partying with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and premarital sex.  Divorce of my parents.  Dishonor, disagreements, discovery of sin, depression, demands, dysfunction, destruction…..

Every day more reality is uncovered about the truth of my ever not-so-perfect life and the complete tragedy of never being able to obtain the perfection of the dreams I once held.  More recently it is seeing my children hurt and watching as the sin they were born into comes out of their so dearly loved beings.  Experiencing everything I knew as trust and love in the marriage commitment made to my husband come completely unraveled by the destruction of adultery.  The realization that I am addicted to sugar and use it to numb the pain in my life.

It is at these pivotal moments that our confidence begins to fade, our hearts become distrusting, and we begin to deny that the dream was ever in us.  As we grow up life has a way of awaking us up to many realities that are unpleasant and just plain not pretty.  Many of us could tell exactly when that defining moment occurred, for others it was a gradual process of let downs, sin, and tragedy into the place of having a broken and shattered heart.

Life continuously moves forward not stopping for any of these shattering, life debilitating situations.  So what are we to do? 

Go back and live falsely in a man-made, castle of sand, plastic dream created by racking up the credit cards, keeping up with the Jones, volunteering for every possible committee, organization, and event?  Continuously trying to achieve self contentment with highlights, pedicures, manicures, eye brow plucks, tummy tucks, shopping sprees, tanning beds, sprays, and dyes, botox, liposuction, implants, porcelain veneers, gaudy jewelry, anti-aging creams, serums and scrubs, cellulite dissolving lotion, plastic surgery, makeovers, spa days, magic vitamins, fad diets, regimented exercise, and the forbidding of chocolate or carbs.    Always doing but never attaining.  Living in the fast lane of our “Hi, How are you,” life.  Finding it necessary to bigger your home, your material collections, you wardrobe, your vehicles, your list of accolades, and your net worth only to find it’s not enough.

Or, turn off life’s ignition key and sit in a non-running position with an empty tank stranded in misery?  Stranded in the victim mentality that there is nothing we can do to change what life has dealt us. Stuffing our self with calories until we literally carry the weight of the world around with us at all times.  Drink our self into an oblivion waking up to the same painful headache of reality day after day.  Depend on a man, any man, many men for security, affection and a sense of being needed- each leaving you emptier than the one before. And if committed to one he is still unable to be the exact thing you need to fill you up completely and so you wonder and conclude this must be all there is.  Do you distance yourself from others and crawl into your own little fetal position not inviting or allowing anyone into your depressive thoughts and downward spiraling state of being.  Killing the pain with a pill, an illegal substance, a one-night stand, a steamy fantasy, an intoxicating beverage, emotional numbness, or a casual party of one pity party. 

Or take a different road in your soul?  Begin to search, wonder, and contemplate the whys of your life and your thought patters.  Question your habits, ways of coping, and daily living skills or lack there of.  Ask if there is a different way of living and what does it look like? How does it feel?  How do you “get there?”  Think about the childhood dream tucked away in the dusty part of your mind and begin to examine why it ever existed.

Through trial and many errors we are able to search out our hearts and find the different road, the road unmarked and less traveled.  We can search out, with our Creator, the reasons we operate out of fear, lack of trust, and try to control life on our own.  We can discover the habits and patterns of unhealthy living and ask for answers and new ways to find out how to live life in the fullest.  Jesus said, “The thief has come to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you live and give it more abundantly.  Behold I make all things new.  I will put a new heart and a new spirit within you that beats in time with the truth.”   Jesus words are truth now how does this truth become reality for us….

Face Down

“It is important to gain self-knowledge as part of spiritual growth, to know yourself and believe in yourself means you can know and believe in God.  Fill yourself first and then only will you be able to give to others.  Knowledge of your self produces humility and knowledge of God produces love.“ -St. Augustine

“As one grows in prayer one also grows in the knowledge of oneself, and if not in one’s sinfulness, then certainly in the potential sinfulness.  It brings about a real understanding of what St. Philip Neir said, ”There go I, but for the grace of God.”  And as time goes on, it’s much easier to accept the weaknesses of others because deep down there is at least the potential for sinfulness in oneself.  We are all human; we all have the same human weaknesses.”  - Mother Teresa, The Simple Path

Oh- to the few that make the hard choice to walk down this road.  This road – unmarked, unlit, and unknown; with no stability in the terrain and no knowledge of where it may end -is an unmapped territory.  Unmapped within the individual soul, but conquered externally by the legendary brave and daring souls who have gone before.

Unless we each individually take the road into the depths of our own humanity and see it for what it is, acknowledge it in the face of an almighty God, we will never live beyond the parameters of ourselves.  We will never experience thinking other than our own minuscule, comforting, and self-protecting mentality.  We will never leave the safety of mediocrity, even mediocre Christianity where we have created our own cute and personal little Jesus, who may be used at our disposal.

You leave the path of “Safe, Expected, and Predictable,” either by circumstance of your choosing or what has been brought to you.  In one moment the fork was in visible view and you took the turn willingly or came to the realization that you had no other choice and proceeded forward on this new venture.  Taking a look around things seem somewhat familiar in an almost eerie sense.  You feel more of yourself than you ever have before and it feels good, it feels right, you feel liberated, and then the lights go out.   What you thought had all along been you now becomes something more.  Humanity and flesh begin to erupt on the very being of you and the scene in your soul which had previously been comfort is now terrifying.  You see that in your most desperate moment, when you needed to be ”saved”, was not just now at your lowest point, but has been there since the moment your cells began diving and multiplying into your human form.  You are coming to the realization that you have completely disillusioned yourself by thinking life was O.K. when in fact you have been in an entirely poverty of spirit stricken state all along.  What was good now looks wretched, what was pretty is now ugly, what had been doing right was a legalistic and religious plastic cover up called citizenship, duty, or tradition.  What you had enjoyed and named fun is now revealed as addiction.  Even the compliments of others and accomplishments of your own are either stored on your look at me trophy shelf or crammed into the closet of I’m not good enough, but in either case the monster of pride exposed. 

Climbing into the caverns and crevices of your mind you uncover your secret life of thoughts.   The lustful mind games of fantasy, seducing, and adultery.  Knowing for the first time that your concern has really been lack of trust, worry, fear, and your inability to control.  Laid open your cunning, illogical thinking pattern premeditated to manipulate others into conforming to your will, unknown by anyone but you.  Confessed your spoiled brat mentality of, “I want what I want and I want it now.”  Unmasked the endless number of deals made to self for the bettering of tomorrow in your sphere of influence, every single one of them lying in the defeated pile of “one last time, not yet, in a minute, just one more, and after I….”  The mind where it all begins, the hometown of temptation, where everyone knows your name and your business and the bartender at the community tavern can mix up your own personalized cocktail of self defeat before you can even have a chance to slide up to the counter and have a seat.

The awakening of this reality in your soul is overcoming you.  What will you do?  You want to place blame.  Who can you find to point the finger at?  You want to scream for help but are crippled in doing so because you now know the truth that it’s not just you, human kind leaving no one out, is an impoverished species.  This disease of self-pulses through the veins of the materially and financially secure and achieved as well as the dependent on welfare and uneducated individual just the same.  Even so you feel completely alone.  What will you do?

You are ready for nothing and no one but death itself.  And death like you did not know existed comes in this one moment.  The darkness of death floods your soul, the stench of its aroma invades your senses, and the reality of the necessary death of the self in you has arrived. 

You come to the knowledge that life as you know it is no life at all.  However and whatever circumstance has brought you to this defining moment is not as pivotal or prominent as what will allow you to live beyond it. 

Just when you arrive to the edge- of yourself- and are about to fall into the abyss of what is seen you take one last look up and there life changes forever.  Looking up exhausted, beaten down, eyes swollen from tears of grief, face and body streaked with dirt from continuously wallowing in the pen of your own sin, clothing torn from your self-realization tantrum of owning these filthy rags, bones aching from lack of necessary sustenance, mind storming into a complete break down, you see the Only Light Available.

A Living God, Perfection, The Beginning and the End, The Royal Artist of Creation, The Genius Behind the Universe and its Order, The Orchestrater of the Seasons, The One Who Was and Is, and Is to Come, The Magnificent Designer of the Human Body, The Godhead, The Great I Am. And in seeing this you know the pitiful position you are in.

What will you do?  You want to run away while yearning to stay.  You revert your thinking and plan to abandon the journey thus far and return to the comfort of before, while at the very same time daring yourself to go an inch closer.  You look around for a place to hide while all the while aching to be seen.  You attempt to cry out but no human term will form in your mind and proceed out of your lips.  You want to deny but desire to believe.

This moment changes normal forever. The understanding that normal was a cover up for the fact that you as a human being were born not in a comfy cozy hospital room, presented into the loving arms of adoring parents, and showered with gifts, but truly unseen you were literally born on a battlefield.  A battlefield of injured, wounded, broken, and defeated souls with a bloodthirsty enemy waiting to devour its next prey, you.  The moment unveils the truth that normal didn’t really exist in the first place and the realization that you have been through way too much to aspire for “normalcy” ever again.  And so you choose to stay in and allow everything to unfold.

You are face down, unable to move.  Your every breath thunders out of your chest surprising you as it comes.  Every thought, circumstance, feeling, desire, and happening is coming together all inside of this moment.  Time stands still and “A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day,” becomes reality as you lay before Him. 

You realize who you are in the presence of The Living God, and it my friends, is not a pretty sight.  He knows—you know---and yet the moment proceeds.  As you lie there you could take on Adam and Eve as your closest friends you see how they did what they did and why they covered themselves and hid.   (You make a mental note that if you make it to the “other side,” you will have to ask Eve forgiveness for blaming her for so much over your lifetime, and decide on cutting her some slack until then.)  You see the slimy slithering serpent and the conniving destruction he has achieved within the space of your time and it paralyzes your spirit with fear.  Just when you thought this moment could not get any more climatic you raise your face up just a few mere fractions of an inch and someone else is there.  

The Presence

You are not alone in what seems to be the complete break down and insanity of your own mind.  There is a presence at -“The Edge”- the very spot where you had planned to jump when you gained the strength to stand back up.  Your breath becomes a little less frightening as it calms from a rumble to a gentle purr.  You hear a breath synchronizing with yours – The Breath of Life-.  You rub the corners of your eyes to aid in the adjustment from complete darkness and for the first time on this dark path you see an Illuminated Light –You See, You See, you had been blind but now you see!  There standing where you needed him most a Savior.  The Savior.  The Bridge that connects you to The Almighty, The One who stands in the gap and opens the path, The Gatekeeper, The Keymaster who hands you the key that he retrieved from the pit of Hades so that he could return it to its rightful owner.

You dare yourself to take a glance into his eyes, wondering if the beating of your heart will continue afterward.  No matter if this look is for the first time or the countless numbered time, it is the only time that matters now.  Your eyes meet his and all that is within you comes to a hush.  He stills your explanations of why your arriving late and not dressed for the occasion, quiets your excuses of not realizing who was coming to the moment and your him-hawing about how you would have left all your dark secrets at home had you known.  He settles all the arguments in you of not being informed or prepared for this Magnificent Spotlight to shine into the depths of your soul. 

Time and sounds are still and a question is proposed.  Not in your own mind as you had thought about so often in the before of your life…”When I meet Jesus I going to ask Him why….”  The question is proposed to you.  “Will you come?”

“Will you come and leave the confines of this trouble you’ve found or that has found you.  Walk away from the bitterness and unforgiveness that has been eating away at your soul like a potent acid.  Depart ways with that evil author, Self, that has been writing the same defeating lines to your role in life since as long as you can remember.  Break ties with your comforting addictions, weighty strongholds, and generational sin hand-me-down baggage.  Will you relinquish your relationship to that slithering-on-his-back manipulator who has taken one too many advances in your life?  Will you come?”

The invitation is there but it doesn’t just end with the question “Will you come?”  It gets intimate.  He calls you by name.  You recognize and cannot deny it’s you he wants.  The Gentle Heart Purser and Soul Lover speaks your name, and then adds what you have desired to hear your whole life long.

“Will you come_________, my precious child, my baby girl, my darling, my bride, my sweetheart, beautiful, daddy’s girl, my princess, my love……- You know what it is because these are the words and phrases, the sweet intimacies spoken that could only get you.  Your heart of stone is melting as you hear these words for the first time and believe. 

You may have heard these intimacies spoken before in sarcasm, selfishness, lust, greed, demeaning you, and trumping your spirit.  Or there may have been a silence in your life where these words should have been.  Either case these words have not been your friends; they were poor company, and an invitation to a downward spiral of self-hatred.  But now when spoken by the saving voice of Perfect Love, that is all gone.  Once again tears well up in your ducts spilling out of the corners of your eyes.  But the tears have changed.  The tears are now relief, grace accepting, “I want to say yes,” tears.

The Sweet Savior sees your tears and walks toward you with one powerful yet gentle step, gathers your tears and puts them in a bottle.  Your mind is overwhelmed at how even the seeping liquid from your body is precious to him- worth keeping.

The answer is coming.  It’s forming into the depths of your being at a very scientific and cellular level.  It travels its way throughout your body, consciously forming in your mind, wrapping around your heart, decorating your spirit, invading your soul and spilling out of your mouth- “YES!”

You embrace the yes and all that it means.  You speak it with emotion and rational thinking, knowing that the yes changes everything, because everything so desperately needed to be changed.