Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Monday, November 22, 2010

Forget the Beef..."Where's the Turkeys?"

A phone call last week revealed that the local grocer kindly offering to bake off the turkeys for our annual community Thanksgiving meal, was desperately short on the turkeys needed.  We spoke on the phone of the details and he informed me that his staff would begin the thawing process that afternoon but only had 8 turkeys to unthaw.  We needed at least double that and preferably 20 turkeys. PANIC crept in and my close friend worry helped me engage in my easy come freak out mode.  I prayed, and worried, and prayed, and worried some more.  I went through my morning routine at home anxious and stressed about the matter.  I finally hopped into my car and began to head into work.  On the drive into town I said, "Ok God, I'm just going to be quiet and let you talk I have nothing here."  There was no audible out loud voice  that gave me specific instructions on how to acquire the amount of turkeys needed but there was the stillness in my car and a quickening of my spirit connecting to the Holy Spirit of Christ. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, living in me, a follower of Jesus that spoke quietly to my soul- " If you could know in your depths of my love you would know that I alone am your provider."  I prayed in my spirit "I believe, help my unbelief."
Soon I arrived at Whoop-Ti-Doos (my work place and location of the community Thanksgiving meal).  I walked up to the back door to unlock it and sitting on the back stoop were 2 turkeys.  A smile came to my face and my spirit. I began preparations for the day a little less anxious.  Soon the staff I would be working with that day arrived.  I said good morning and began speaking to her in a frenzy as if the two turkeys precariously sitting on the back stoop earlier that morning had never occurred!  "Darla, I'm freaking out, Hy-Vee is starting to thaw out our turkeys this afternoon and we are short on turkeys, we really need to pray about this!"  No longer did that statement get out of my mouth than the ding of the back door bell sounded and in walked a lady from the community.  She randomly asked, "Are you still in need of turkeys for your Thanksgiving meal?"  I looked at Darla and laughed out loud!  "Yes!", I stated! "You are actually an answer to prayer we are short on turkeys!" She led me out to her car and handed me the turkey from her back seat! At that moment I was being humbled in a huge blessing of provision and my faith for the moment went to a high level of belief and awe of the specificness of God answering my "worry-wart prayer."  I went inside and Darla and I offered a prayer of thankfulness for the turkeys and asked God to provide exactly the amount we would need for the upcoming celebration.  We went through the lunch hour rush enjoying the blessing and provision God was pouring out from heaven.  I was so full of belief in those hours I thought it could actually begin to rain turkeys from heaven! Well that did not happen, but later that afternoon Darla answered a phone call and motioned me over to her.  With a smile on her face, she said "There's a guy on the phone wanting to know if you are still needing turkeys!"  He called back later that afternoon saying that he purchased 6 turkeys and took them to Hy-Vee!  By the time I layed my head on my pillow that night we were up to 22 turkeys! As I type this I believe that we have 25+ turkeys unthawing in the coolers at Hy-Vee!  This was not only a testimony of how faithful our living God is and what a mighty provider he is but that my little boxed God does not work.  It is when we turn our hands from white knuckled to our own control and in faith lay them out and turn them upward is when God can be the awesome and mighty one that he so wants to be, in us and through us! Matthew 6:31-33 "So do not worry saying what, "What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear?"  The pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

May this story of how specific and faithful God is encourage your heart and lead you into belief and a attitude of thankfulness - no matter your circumstances, heart condition, or situation-God is waiting for your heart to turn soft to him as you surrender with hands open and upward to his provision in your life.  Believe that he  can meet your needs better that you ever could on your own! He met your greatest need by sending his son Jesus (John 3:16) to die for all of our control freak, worry wart, actions of unbelief (just to name a few) sins and provided a way to salvation and eternal life though his perfect life.  Will you believe today?  Look around to find the "turkey sitting on your doorstep" it is there waiting....Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Bucked off a Horse.
Stuck on a mountain with hiding terrorists.
Adultery in the intimate relationship you once held dear.
Laid Off
I’m sorry she’s gone we did all we could.
Hurtful words spoken in rage to the innocent
Planned deaths of the unborn
Motor vehicle accident
Greed for more
More money
More attention
More fame
More praise
Conditional love
Lied to
The liar
Unwilling to become
Proud man using woman
Proud man using children
Proud man using himself
The unwanted
Sex crimes
Hate crimes
Running late
Unwilling to love yourself
Unwilling to become
Speech impediments
Mentally ill
Love lost
Love never found
The one who abandon
The one who broke the vow
Have I named your vice?
Your ashes
What left you broken?
What caused you to break?
The thorn in your flesh that makes you feel like a mistake?
The fall that came within your spirit
The fall that continually comes
That thing that you do that you don’t want to do
Many and ongoing you must know them as they creep in; stifle and cripple your soul
But what we must know
What must be told is that
There is one who spoke these words
“Whoa to anyone who causes one of these little one of mine to sin it; would be better for him to cast a millstone around his neck and be drug into the depths of the sea.” 
Who would speak this?
Who are the little ones?
Who is being drug into the depths of the sea?
The speaker is Jesus
The little one is me
The little one is you
With our vices or ashes so many so few
The one being drug with the millstone around his neck
Well that is me as well
That is you also
Admit it you are the victim
While at the same time you are the player
And so am I
So what to do
We are the little one who was caused to stumble
 And the one who caused the stumble to come to the little one
This horrible terrible real life truth causes fire in my soul
To think that I’ve been used
And just the same used others as well
The fire in my soul burns strong as hell
Burns long
Me deep
The fire burns strong burns long
And then dies
What’s left is a pile of ashes still smoking inside
Then the speaker that said who whoever causes these little ones of mine to fall speaks another phrase that gives hope to the soul
He says
I give crowns of beauty for ashes
Gladness for mourning
Praise for despair
He speaks to the little one
And the one in the sea
He says take my yoke my burden is easy
This trouble this trial
This sin that you’ve caused
Was never my plan
My will
For you
But I make a plan through it all
For my perfect way to shine through
So when the sin happens
When the trial comes
Know it is not from me or above
But I am there in, around, under, and through
All that is happening and my plan is true
To give back the beauty that left ashes burning
To wipe your tears of mourning and bring back your joy
I will tell you the truth of your worth and sing your praise
Where once all you could see was despair and the rain
Where I stand I see all the little ones left crying in the sand
And the one with the rope drug by their own plan
Into the depths of the sea left floating to die
I see it all
I see all
From beginning to end and that is how I can
Be the healer, restorer and one who makes new
All that is abandon
Broken and
I come to give life
I have a new plan
I Am
My sacrifice
My pain on the cross
Where the sin and hurt all hung
No I did not cause the disaster of the fallen
But I gave you choice and a complete freedom
To do life your way and that left so many tangled webs
 That the only way for you to be complete again
Was for my son to hang
On a cross
Without sin
And for my spirit to the earth be sent
To untangle the sin webs of fallen man
And allow the will of a loving Creator
To be the beauty in the ashes of the little one who stumbled
And the one in the sea completely humbled
So little one wipe the tears from your eyes and stand up
Drowning man I pull you out of the depths to dry off
And there you all stand my creation who chooses to come
Bow at the cross for all that is wrong
The ground is level there
No better no worse
Just complete forgiveness for all and rebirth
And there we will dance on the ground at the foot of the cross
We will dance free in forgiveness
Close your eyes and let freedom ring
The clouds pass over and the terrible misery
Is gone in a moment
He lifts you up high
And you discover yourself on a mountaintop
Sun shining in the sky
And you dance and rejoice as you bask in the Son
Look at the glowing faces of all who have chosen to come
The noose was loosened and removed from our necks
We are no longer the little one stumbling
Our feet are planted firmly on The Rock
We are sealed with a promise
Cannot be snatched from his hand
Know that your name is written in the palm of his hand
But not only there in the Book of Life too
Eternity is waiting
All the promises will come true
Of the things that you just welcomed in your heart from afar
They are not distant
They are becoming
Behold here they are
The treasures stored up
In the place where you kept your heart
What will you receive on that day?
And praise
The coming day when all you have done
Is judged
Or will it be rewarded
In the eyes of the Son
The choice is yours my friend
Jesus sets you free
But you still must live and prepare for eternity
The things of this world are fleeting so fast
They will continually tempt you
Test you
And taunt your mind
They will promise falsely and want you to believe they are fine
They will bring
For a season
But eventually
Silently so slyly tie the noose back on
And lay pebbles in front of your path
The pebbles may be charming
Dainty at first
Pleasant for the eye to gaze
All at once in front of you they will become
Mountains to climb
Do not be fooled little one look into His eyes
The noose may feel at first life a chain of jewels on your neck
Complimented and prized by so many
But ever so slowly so gradually it will tighten
As the vice in you once more
Tries to enlighten
And hold you away from the Savior who came
But the truth is in you
You must pull away
Do not look at others who are climbing over rocks of their own
Do not compare the noose of your neighbor to your s
Look inside
Look deeply
Search your heart
And kneel down
Surrender to your Savior
Hourly if you must
He will not turn away from you or look on you with disgust
Tell him right now
How it is
Like it is
He longs for you to come back to the mountain top dance
Come Child
Before the evil one takes an advance
Give back what the Locust ate
He is here waiting
Do not delay

The thief comes to steal
Leave you
I have come to give you life and to give it to your abundantly