Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Saturday, October 15, 2011

To believe or not to belive that is the question

 "You are my servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you.  So do not fear for I am with you. do not be dismayed for I am your God."-Isaiah 41:9,10

The call came last night a little before 10 p.m. just getting in the door from a chilly night of Friday night high school football. I conversed with my husband as my frozen toes unthawed. While waiting for a call to pick up my middle son, an unanticipated call from my oldest son, Logan came.  The tone in his voice was vibrant. Excitement would be a down play to give insight to his attitude on the other end of the line. "Mama," he said while seemingly holding back tears of joy and laughs of exuberance all at the same time.  "Mama guess what? I'm going to Zambia! God is calling me to go to Africa!" As it jumped out of his mouth and into my ears, feelings of excitement collided with mama rationals- as my mind visualized my precious son in an African jungle! I asked him the specifics of how this had all come together. He explained. He had been in a worship service earlier that evening. (That had nothing to do with going to Zambia, Africa). Everyone was standing to worship and the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong on him that he could not physically stand up.  He stayed sitting in his seat without choice as God gave him a vision.  In the vision he saw a globe of the world spinning and he was on it. It stopped on Zambia, Africa as he heard the voice of the Lord speak to his spirit "This is where I want you to go." He humbly accepted the call on faith alone saying yes!

Over the past couple weeks the Lord has been mightily moving in Logan's life.  He is in Garden Valley, Texas at the Honor Academy, living as an inter and participating in the ministry of Teen Mania for one year. This is a place of being stretched spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  He works in the kitchen 32 hours a week, takes classes, and also attends the school of worship as well as much physical exercise and disciplines along with spiritual growth sessions, services, and studies in the word.  The goal of this ministry is:To provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message to the ends of the earth! Previous phone calls with Logan over the last 2 weeks were filled with him experiencing supernatural miracles in his life from the Lord.  Which he accepted but then doubt would creep in.  The first one was a night when he was deeply struggling; physically weary and spiritually exhausted.  He went outside alone and asked God for a specific sign to let him know he was there and he should continue on.  He saw an angel appear in the sky! He thanked the Lord but a few days later his mind began to humanly rational that is was his imagination and just a big star.  The second encounter happened during an evening service.  (Back story- no pun intended-Logan fell off a trampoline this summer and had three compression fractures on his spine.) He had been convicted of doubting and questioning God that he realized had been something he had been struggling with most of his life.  He was ready to surrender this heavy burden and chose to do so that night.  As he prayed he felt a weight lift off of him and heard three pops in his back- (since then where his back would sometimes still get sore in strenuous activity it has felt fine!) When he walked out of the service that night a friend came up to him and said "You have been struggling with doubting and questioning God most of your life haven't you?" Logan had told no one what he had been struggling with. God had spoken through this man, they went alone together to pray and talk.  Logan found deliverance! Which I believe prepared him for the call of going to Zambia.

All Honor Academy interns are required to complete a missions trip with Global Expeditions before they graduate.  Earlier this week Logan had e-mailed some of the interesting choices from Mexico to Panama.  He labeled them in categories of Cheap Ones, and Ones I Really Want to Do.  Interestingly there was not a category that said the one I am called to Do, but God provided that category!  My heart woke up this morning rejoicing at how God is moving in this man's life and I was reminded that my grandfather, Logan's Grandpa Great, who said Logan would be his preacher boy also went to Africa as a missionary, to me that was a beautiful connection of faithful spiritual lineage being continued!

I went about my morning thinking, processing, praying, and seeking the Lord in the beauty of it all.  God began to humble my heart that I too had unbelief and doubt of our great God.  I remembered how Logan's life began.  I was a young teenage girl scared of disappointing my family and had made a decision to have Logan aborted.  The appointment was made, the adult to sign the papers agreed, and I could continue to live up to the good girl role I played so well for my family.  Shortly before I was to go to the abortion appointment, I was in the shower one morning and I too for the first time heard the voice of the Lord speak to my spirit "Are two wrongs going to make this right for you?" I looked down at my slightly protruded belly and a tear began to trickle down my cheek.  I got myself together and went to school.  A friend had just recently had an abortion to also save face and reputation of her family so I bravely asked her this question. " My grandpa says that women who have abortions have nightmares about their babies and can hear them cry in the night, is that true?" "Yes and don't do," it is all she said as she hurried off to class."  I came unglued and fell apart in the counselor's office telling my family and shattering their good girl vision of me while also unknowingly shattering the enemies (Satan's) plan for destruction of this little boy. Most of Logan's life has been a struggle of not liking himself, living in an "I can't" mentality, and having to deal with the hideous effects of divorce.  I should have known all along God had big plans for this man because the enemy has continually tried to destroy him.  Today I see a man who from a little boy chose belief even though the falleness and sin of unbelief chained him for so long. He is free, he is bold and he is serving his unstoppable GOD without fear!  I confessed my unbelief and celebrated the supernatural ways that the Living God still works in the lives of man today!

May this offering of belief stir your heart, renew the joy of your salvation, plant a seed towards a life decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, or go out of normal to boldly believing in the power in you that Raised Jesus from the dead that can and will do the unimaginable in you and those you love!

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