Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Thoughts & Confessions of a Daddy's Girl

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Let's Talk About Sex

 Hopefully that got your attention…
With the events happening in our state recently, with two precious girls being abducted in Dayton, Iowa and the opening of a “theatrical arts club”; The Loft in Corwith, Iowa 8 weeks ago (named theatrical arts so you don’t have to keep any clothes on while stripping for patrons)where women are being trafficked in from Minneapolis and then stripping most of the night and being prostituted out in hotels the remainder of the night, we are all waking up to the fact that this is not just happening in the cities; New York, Chicago, San Diego etc…This is a time for a shift in our thinking Iowa. (And anyone out there reading)
 I never really understood why in the bible it states often “flee from sexual immorality “the bible states “to make a covenant with God with your eyes for guys to not look lustfully at a woman”…I used to think it was just another of the don’ts on the list one of which I have not always done.  I have been enlightened to my naive thinking…It begins with one look, and then another, one act and then another…and when given into its full forge turns into hideous twisted and perverseness like we are seeing in our communities…People are not born having this monstrous behavior of hideousness only the capability. All of us are born with the capability of doing evil and we all have done it. It’s called sin. When fully indulged in this nature with hardened hearts to God’s love it gets ugly; that ugly. What can we do about this?
Surrender. We are incapable of become good enough human beings, let’s face it we have all fallen short in the area of sexual purity, I know I have.  And God didn’t say flee from it so you never have sex, God created sex he wants us to enjoy it under the right conditions of a committed marriage.  When we use sexuality and or bodies in a loose matter is when the lights begin to go out.
 Not all at once.  For guys it can be one look at a girl with little clothes on and then another on TV, Facebook, then a little porn, then a little more, then when given fully over adultery, a night at the club, and then a paid night and soon you’re hooked. The perverseness goes to these hideous places of rape, sexual abuse to others, human trafficking and abductions. 
For women it’s a little romance novel, a little fantasy in the mind a little thought about him and before you know it your making slightly flirtatious conversation with him,  meeting with him and then your living in the gray and life is torn in two. It’s giving our self away, thinking we are going to get love and only getting used time after time. It desensitizes us and soon we are the victims of sexual abuse, rape, or worse (sometimes we are the victims when have never been exposed or let our guard down). Statics state one in three women are victims of sexual abuse…
We must surrender to something greater than our self.  To Jesus, who came because he saw what the evilness of sin in humans would do to each of us preciously created in his image. He died for the hideousness that is happening to Kathlynn Shepard and the girls who will dance tomorrow night at The Loft, and the guys who will throw money at them.  He died for me when I dishonored my marriage vows, He died for you.  But he didn’t stay dead he came back to life. And said believe in me I have overcome the world. This dark world of lies, cheating, abuse, neglect, hurt, death, and perverseness…There is a different way.  You don’t have to die in your sin. That is our only out… to call on the name of Jesus and believe in the gift he gave of his life once and for all for payment of every man’s sin.
And then to turn from sin and allow his redeeming love to purify you over the course of the rest of your life. Flee from sexual immorality and live a life of sexual purity having sex and enjoying it the right way.
Ladies…. Do not cause guys in our community to stumble. Stop posting pics of yourself or others that could harm someone struggling. Men are visual they don’t need any help in this area. Honor yourself and the men that you care for by dressing cute and trendy, but appropriately.
Men make a covenant to God with your eyes and ask other men around you for help. Admit if you are struggling with pornography to another trusted true and honest friend, you are not a monster but you are traveling down a road that only leads to the destruction of yourself, the destruction of a healthy sex life, and the destruction of those you love.
Teach your kids to honor their bodies and talk about sex, the right way to have about why it’s so important all the time there is a static that boys are beginning to use pornography around the age of 9-10 for the first time and becoming addicted by age 13-14 talk to your boys…A comment one of my boys made when talking about this after talking about why it was necessary to turn off the halftime show during the Super Bowl, “Mom it’s so hard it’s everywhere we go.” This is a battle our sons have to fight everyday they need our prayers, our teaching, our transparent honesty, and our example.
My oldest son called me a couple of nights ago and said., “Mom I know you told us to wait to have sex until we are married and that’s how God made it but you didn’t talk a lot about why we should wait.  I want to talk about these things with you, you need to talk about these things to my brothers. I want to have conversations about this.” He’s 20. He finally said out loud what all children yearn for, (even if they roll their eyes and sigh and it’s awkward)…they want us (not TV, their friends, the internet, or the schools) but us to talk about this with them.
 Moms talk to your sons. You alone have the ability to speak life and truth into their beings, call them out as honorable men, worthy of God’s love and yours, be proud when they do good and obey, encourage, and cheer them on with your words and actions, challenge them and do not settle for mediocrity in your sons; they were made for greatness. They have adventurous spirits and hearts for physical force and battle, challenge them to stop battling virtual battles with their thumbs on a screen and show them what a true battle is…go search for the missing girl, pray for the family as a family out loud, take bug spray to the rescue site, donate money that you would use for yourselves, or find a cause that would interest your son’s heart and show him how to fight the darkness in this world. Trust me on this one seeing your teenage son’s loving on orphans, feeding the hungry, giving to your neighbor will bless you and them over any entertainment you could provide for your family (still go out and enjoy life :)) Be the kind of woman you want him to choose to spend the rest of his life with, so he will have an example to be able to choose well. Repent to your sons your wrong ways of being an example. Be respectful of their father whether you are married to him or not, yeah even if when it’s hard.
Dads dance with your little girls twirl them around, tell them every day of their inner and outer beauty specifically, they need your words of affirmation or they will find it from another, they need the strong protection of your warrior heart love for them or they will search it out in another, they need you to be the example of the man you want to give them to when they become women. They need you to romantically love their mother and honor her. If you are not married to their mother they need you to show honor, sacrificial love to her anyway…yeah bite your tongue until it bleeds and turn the other cheek when necessary, vent to your grown up buddies your frustration but show her honoring love. If you have blown it, it’s not too late, confess tell your girl you’re sorry and start today.
Confess your sexual immorality to the Lord, he forgives, he will not hold it against you. Go through a deep season of healing if the wounds and the addiction runs deep, do the hard thing and flee, turn and keep in turning…Allow the illuminating light of Jesus Christ to shine in your dark places…and then take what was once darkness and is now light to someone who does not yet have it…what will our world, our state, our town, our home look like when we each personally take a stand of surrender and choose this?

(If this has moved you in some way private message me on Facebook would love to hear your heart, and connect, or connect you to resources of healing and transformation, training your kids etc….)